Solo: A Star Wars Story – The Electric Shadows Podcast


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Recorded in the small hours of the morning, Robs Daniel and Wallis deliver their verdict on the troubled Solo: A Star Wars Story. Little spoiler for what they think: don’t believe the negative reviews and disappointing box office, this is rip-roaring adventure. Listen on to find out why.

They also discuss the film’s production woes that saw original directors Lord and Miller replaced with Ron Howard, and why Star Wars films are better served by efficient, journeymen directors.

Rob W also explains why a second viewing of Avengers: Infinity War has left him feeling he was premature in writing off the Marvel franchise in episode 43. Rob D tries to resist accusing him of betraying the podcast (and fails). And the pair also make room for a quick review of Deadpool 2, including a discussion of why IMAX is not suited to comedy.

Public Service Announcement: For the first 16 mins of the podcast the microphone was picking up some kind of banging not noticed during recording. This does pass, but if you want to avoid most of it, we recommend beginning at 14mins 30secs with the review of Solo: A Star Wars Story.


To check out Rob Wallis’ movie writings, head over to

Twitter: rob_a_daniel

iTunes Podcast: The Electric Shadows Podcast

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