Avengers: Endgame – The Electric Shadows Podcast

Episode 61 of The Electric Shadows Podcast is an epic discussion of Avengers: Endgame. But, what do the two Robs, our intrepid explorers in pod, make of the final instalment of the Infinity saga?

No spoilers here, and also no spoilers for the film itself until the podcast gets into the spoiler zone. But, there is a massive buffer, so you have more than enough time to turn off your iPhone/Android phone before then. And come back to us when you’ve seen it.

On their travels, the Robs recount the eleven year journey it took to reach this film, and what an achievement it has been. They also look at how Marvel movies have shifted the blockbuster landscape, what the films have got right (and wrong), and Rob D doesn’t miss the opportunity to remind Rob W that Ant-Man and the Wasp is a more satisfying film than Infinity War.

Rob W makes very good points about the naming of the final two movies in this first saga. They both look at what might come next and discuss the boffo box office the film is likely to do.

This episode may be 86mins long, but it’s over in a snap!


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iTunes Podcast: The Electric Shadows Podcast

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