Episode 2 of the Electric Shadows Podcast targets Deadpool and looks forward to the now annual superhero summer jamboree.
In our own inimitable fashion, m’learned colleague Rob Wallis and myself don figurative capes and survey the current landscape of comic book heroes on the big and small screen. In an epic discussion, our journey through all things superheroic takes in R ratings, social realist movies of the 1960s, David Niven and Mary Poppins. I also get the name of The Dark Knight Returns sequel wrong, (it’s Strikes Again, not Strikes Back), plus there is a brief segue into discussing the bizarre phenomenon that is Jai Courtney.
It makes a kind of sense.
So, hang up your cape (or put it on if that’s what makes you comfortable) and hear what we have to say.
More of Rob Wallis’ musing on movies can be found at his site Of All The Film Blogs. Check it out (after listening to the podcast)…